Free Full Service Vending Machines

We’re your LOCAL vending friend. Canberra based & family owned with over 100 vending machines throughout the ACT. Formerly GameKing we’ve been servicing the ACT for many years.

With our FREE vending machine service you’ll make both your staff and customers happier.

Free delivery, free servicing and absolutely no contract or obligation.

Free Vending Machines?

Free Vending Machines?

Totally free. We’ll deliver, set up and maintain as many machines as your location needs all at no cost or obligation to you. No contracts, no hidden fees. No nasties.

Invite us over! With no obligation, we’ll take a look at your site and suggest the machine(s) that would suit you best. Pick your machine, pick your products, and away we go!


Unlimited Variety

We’re independent, which is important to YOU. It means we can fill your machine with products that suit you, not the company that owns the machine. We’re not locked to any particular brands, and can mix brands within the machines.

For example, our large drink machines can offer up to 45 different selections. You’ll never see that in a large public companies machines as they only stock their own products.

Unlimited Variety
Larger site?

Larger site?

BetterVend are well versed in servicing very large sites including hospitals, universities, office buildings and clubs. No site is too big or too small.

If you service a large number of customers and wish to discuss a revenue sharing model, please contact us now. Why go to the trouble of stocking and selling so many product lines yourself? Just partner with us and collect your share each quarter.


ACT Based = Fast Service

We live here, and we care. If your machine has a fault, we’ll be there ASAP. You don’t even need to pick up the phone – all our machines are internet connected and will report their own faults for faster repairs.


Headache Free Snacks and Drinks

Perhaps you’re over running a ‘social club’ fridge and chasing up IOU’s. Maybe you’re looking at a two week old ‘Out Of Order’ sign on your existing suppliers machine, or simply have hungry staff and an empty corner somewhere that could be put to better use. We can help remove your headaches.

All our machines are modern and smart. They accept cards, paywave, notes and coins. They’re internet connected, so we know when you need filling up or repairs, all without you lifting a finger. Your staff don’t have to leave site to get a snack & your customers will be happier in your waiting room.

Let us come and chat through how we can help you. Obligation free, and we’ll never, ever, charge you a cent.


Some of our clients

Do you want your own free vending machine?